One of the pleasures of winter is to engage in Winter Sports. In Estonia, you have many places where you can try Ice Skating all year around, but only during winter you can try ice skating in open air, like in frozen lakes in town, or if you are more adventurous, in the frozen baltic sea. (Yeah, it freezes, and usually each winter there are official driving roads from the mainland to the islands).
The Linnahall Ice Hall is a ice skating rink closer to the city center, but open only on Fridays and weekends.
The Old Town Outdoor Skating Rink is open only during winters, but there you can skate every day of the week from 10:00 to 22:00. You can even check out how many people is skating with the Skate Rink WebCam.
In Tartu, there's Liuväli, a full size skating arena in LõunaKeskus, with the best ice rink, but you have the check the schedule, not all the hours are available for ice skating, as they have Hokey trainings and Figure Skating.
But if you are looking for more, why not Ice Skate on the Frozen Baltic Sea?

... Or you can check my pictures when I was skating in the Baltic Sea!

Do you have any comments on Ice Skating in Estonia? Leave your opinion below on the comments!
Oi Daniel. Tava vendo suas fotos esquiando. Mas vc sabe esquiar mesmo ou só enrola? kkkkkkk
To aprendendo, devagar e sempre!
Patinar no gelo eu me viro, agora to tentando aprender a esquiar na neve! :D
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